Here we are folded into the car together.
I relax, let out a sigh of contentment.
It’s a three hour journey,
we cannot be interrupted.
We are cloistered here
for now in silent harmony
feeling each other’s presence
as all that we hold dear.

There is no need for words to begin with.
Our individual thoughts roam freely
until they bubble up
and spill out in the odd word.
We point out this or that,
we laugh or sigh
and our minds feel their way
into each other’s orbit.

With eyes ahead upon the road our mind
is strangely concentrated and free
of most distractions.
And sometimes thought
can be expressed in a deeper way
as we explore ideas and questions
that time and circumstance usually forbid
Us to dwell upon or say.

But wait there is an intruder here again
to shatter our peace and our discussions
that brings the outside world
into our space and quiet
with its raucous insistent tone.
Let us not to the marriage of
true minds admit impediment,

I thought you might enjoy the above poem from about 2005! It was printed in my first poetry book, Layering the Fig Tree, which is out of print now …. but on re-Reading it today I can still identify with what it says.
I wonder if you can identify with it too, dear reader?

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